Monday, June 29, 2009

An introduction

So, it's official: I'm the last person in America to blog. But at 37, I'm finally needing to get things off my chest and onto the screen. If no one reads, it's OK. I don't need any gratification from these posts. It's simply a way to get to sleep faster at night.

I will be blogging about all sorts of interesting nuggets. Here's the first thing you need to know: I've been married to a wonderful man, Bob, for almost 15 years now. I have 2 great kids, Stone 8 and Shalyn 2 (pronounced ShayLynn), whom I homeschool. The homeschooling part is definitely why this blog is being created. Mom needs a way to vent. Homeschooling and being a mother to a toddler is just so much harder than I had expected.

So for anyone who happens upon my blog, I promise never to overwrite, but I will be very detailed in every aspect, giving insight to anyone who wants to know what it's like to be me. Look for it every week, starting now. I'll be posting photos, mostly of the kids and what not.


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